Wednesday, August 31, 2011

An Obsession with Vintage Game Pieces

I love vintage game pieces.

My love affair with vintage game pieces started with the purchase of a small box of dominoes. It was an innocent little collection of dominoes, but in the years since that first buy my little collection has grown.

the dominoes, you can add dice, lotto and bingo cards, letter tiles, wooden numbers, and vintage flashcards. The vintage flashcards are my new favorites... especially the little ones en francais!

I've always imagined a hobby re-purposing all of these beautiful objects into something like this:

I think I'm going to try it. No, better yet... I'm going to order this little house kit *right* now!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cottage Decor for Little Girls

I spent too much time this morning searching through Pinterest looking for inspiration for my almost three year old daughter's bedroom. This photo above {from photographer Mandy Lynne} is my absolute favorite! To see all the photos from this darling little girl's bedroom, click here.

The most difficult part of our re-do is letting go of A LOT of toys. I prefer wooden or vintage toys around the house, but I have suddenly found that our house is filled from top to bottom with a whole lot of plastic. If you could only see our house in its transition today... it is a mess & certainly not whimsical at the moment!